Friday, February 11, 2011



Friday, February 11, 2011

Coming home just now

I had one of those moments —

The kind that burns a memory

and plants itself onto your psyche

I was driving down the Parkway

Always, to see the ripples

along the water (water is home to me)

and if I’m lucky,

the sun bouncing off them

Two, long, black helicopters

like giant, stealthy bugs

came flying low

their beating rhythm

Gave purchase and caught notice

from Mansion House behind

down The Potomac

to the White House before

One leads to the other

I stare out my windscreen

and imagine the scene

as if I weren't right here

Because it looks like a movie might

If I look far enough ahead

I can see the shape of the crescent moon

and the Washington Monument

It is clear blue today;

a February gift here

These images will remain

long after we're gone —

Thank you, my love,

for opening the world to me

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